In addition to being able to store files for each client, you can also upload and store your own digital records in an area set aside just for you. It’s important to note that files are maintained separately. Client files are stored in their charts – separate from all other clients and also separate from your personal files. This is one of the ways PSYBooks adheres to HIPAA/HITECH guidelines.
PSYBooks allows you to store files in various categories for better organization. You can use the default categories or create your own. The default category list looks like this:
However, you are free to add new categories and also to reorder, edit or delete the existing ones. You may want to store things such as your HIPAA policies and documentation, any forms you use in your practice, statements you send to clients, as well as your policies and testing materials. In addition, you could also create categories to store materials for books, articles or other publications you’re writing, images and other files you use on your website – pretty much anything you want. It’s your area to customize to fit your personal needs.